Yeah, the grey area is broader than I had initially thought don't snap your spine patting yourself on the back. And yeah I'm
getting to it I'm spinning a lot of plates here. I have like 20 other tabs open with other things I'm actively thinking about at the moment. I'm getting to it fuck-face, relax!
Hym "As far as the
biological sex rant is concerned, I didn't realize the
multiplicity of ways in which a person can be intersex and it obfuscates the
ontology of the matter. And what I mean by that is that even if it's true that there is a way in which an XY chromosome person can be genetically male but phenotypically appear female (And can, therefore, be both male and female) but you still have to reconcile fact that the way in which SOME trans-people ARE 'Trans' is in an abstract one. So, the XY chromosome, phenotypically female (Or male I guess I'm sure it happens in reverse) is both male and female in an
ontological sense.
The trans-person has no consistent genetic marker so we have to look at the epistemology. And I've already done this. I talk about the ways in which a person can be temperamentally more feminine or masculine (Women tend to be high in trait agreeableness and higher in
neuroticism, therefore, a man who is both uniquely high in agreeableness and neuroticism would be temperamentally more 'feminine' than all men AND some women and could, therefore,